Scientific Advisory Board on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources

The Scientific Advisory Board on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für Biodiversität und Genetische Ressourcen) performs the task of advising the BMEL on general and fundamental matters concerning the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

The Board provides advice in the fields of food, agriculture and forestry and for corresponding measures at national, EU and international levels. The Board focuses in particular on the following issues of conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources:

  • basic biological and ecological aspects;
  • economic, social and ethical assessment;
  • development of science and technology, including genetics and breeding;
  • land use, landscape design and rural areas;
  • importance for raw materials, energy, food and health;
  • support strategies and concepts;
  • legal issues;
  • information and communication, marketing.


You will find opinions, statements and comments under publications.

Secretariat of the Scientific Advisory Board

If you have any questions, please contact:

Vera Overrödder
Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food
Division 331 - Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity
Deichmanns Aue 29
53179 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)2 28 / 68 45 - 3052

Scientific Advisory Board members

Prof. Dr. Peter H. Feindt (Chairman)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Faculty of Life Sciences
Professor of Agricultural and Food Policy
Thaer Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
Agricultural and Food Policy Group

Prof. Dr. Volkmar Wolters (Deputy Chairman)
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Professor of Animal Ecology
Advisory Board member of the German Life Sciences Association

Prof. Dr. Enno Bahrs
University of Hohenheim
Professor of Farm Management
Chairman of the German Maize Committee (Deutsches Maiskomitee)

Prof. Dr. Jens Dauber
Director of the Thünen Institute of Biodiversity
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Professor of Biodiversity of Agricultural Landscapes at the Institute of Geoecology

Prof. Dr. Maria R. Finckh
University of Kassel
Professor of Ecological Plant Protection
Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Hannah Jaenicke
University of Bonn
Senior Scientist for Sustainable Land Use at the Center for Development Research

Dr. Jörg Kleinschmit
Chairman of the Federal-Länder Working Group “Forest Genetic Resources and Forest Seed Law”
Head of the Department for Forest Nature Conservation
Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg

Prof. Dr. Felicitas Krämer
University of Potsdam
Professor of Philosophy
Focus area Applied Ethics

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Professor of German and Foreign Public Law,
International Law and European Law
Director of the Dusseldorf Institute for Energy Law

Prof. Dr. Inga Schleip
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
Professor of Sustainable Grassland Farming Systems and Grassland Ecology
Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation

Prof. Dr. Nils Stein
Advisory Board on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources Head of the Gene Bank Department at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK in Gatersleben)
Professor for Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources at the University of Göttingen

Dr. Ernst Tholen
University of Bonn
Head of the Working Group on Domestic Animal Genetics at the Institute of Animal Sciences
Member of the Advisory Board “Pig Farming” of the Chamber of Agriculture of North Rhine-Westphalia

Prof. Dr. habil. Sven Wagner
Technische Universität Dresden
Professor of Silviculture

Prof. Dr. Frank Wätzold
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Chair of Economics/Environmental Economics

 Dr. Helmut Wedekind
Chairman of the Technical Committee on Aquatic Genetic Resources
Director at the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture
Head of the Institute for Fisheries

apl. Prof. Dr. Steffen Weigend
Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Institut für Nutztiergenetik

Dr. Johanna Wider
Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
Head of the Information and Coordination Centre for Biodiversity

Prof. Dr. Katrin Zander
University of Kassel
Professor of Agricultural and Food Marketing
Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences

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