Berlin Agriculture Ministers‘ Conference: Ministers adopt final communiqué

At the invitation of Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir, some 70 Ministers of Agriculture from all over the world along with representatives of more than ten international organisations came together at the 15th Berlin Conference of Agriculture Ministers to discuss how the right to food can be implemented worldwide.

They adopted a joint communiqué which can be downloaded here in German and English. The Ministers of Agriculture made a commitment to promoting sustainable, inclusive and crisis-proof food systems. In addition, the participants pledged to make food available, affordable and safe for all in order to achieve the UN goal of "Zero Hunger" in the 2030 Agenda.

Özdemir: "Build grain silos instead of sending grain sacks"

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The joint communiqué of the Agriculture Ministers includes unambiguous wording on the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the resulting global food insecurity.

The Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called upon the Agriculture Ministers to support the Grain from Ukraine initiative.

Key outcomes of the 15th Berlin Conference of Agriculture Ministers

  • Design crisis-free food systems: The aim is to promote crisis-proof food systems that are both sustainable and resilient. T This includes securing the economic basis for agriculture and decent working conditions. In particular, family–run and smallholder farms, women, youth, indigenous and vulnerable groups must be supported. The building blocks are the reduction of food waste and loss, rule-based trade, sustainable supply chains and the promotion of regional, site-adapted cultivation and greater diversity.
  • Promote climate-friendly food systems: In addition to meeting the 1.5 degree target and supporting the COP 27 targets for agriculture, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced through sustainable soil and nutrient management and in livestock production. The adaptation of agriculture to climate change is to be supported. This also includes reducing energy consumption in the agricultural sector.
  • Drive forward the preservation and sustainable use of biodiversity: The preservation of biodiversity is an essential precondition for functioning food systems. Soil health and agro-ecology are to be enhanced in order to improve genetic diversity and agro-biodiversity. More efficient use is to be made of fertilisers and pesticides in order to reduce soil and water pollution. Deforestation and desertification are to be prevented.
  • Step up cooperation on sustainable global food systems: Important governance issues for securing the world's food supply are to be introduced into the discussion process. Furthermore, the results of the Conference of Agriculture Ministers are to be incorporated into the process of the UN Food Systems summit. The United Nations World Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is also to be strengthened, as is cross-sectoral cooperation on the One Health approach.

About the GFFA

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is the international conference on agri-food policy issues. It took place in Berlin at the beginning of the International Green Week for the past 15 years - this year, from 18th January to 21st January 2023.

  • The GFFA features approx. 2,000 international visitors from politics, industry, science and civil society discussing a key topic.
  • The world's largest informal conference of agriculture ministers also takes place on the final day of the conference. This is the highlight of the GFFA.
  • Approximately 70 ministers of agriculture from around the world and high-level representatives of more than ten international organisations adopt a joint political communiqué on the respective key topic.
  • High-level guests, such as Prince Charles, Ban Ki-moon, Angela Merkel and Josefa Sacko, have enriched the GFFA in recent years with keynote speeches.
Log des GFFA mit einer Weltkugel und Linien auf denen Traktoren, Tiere, Weizen etc. zu sehen sind
GFFA 2023 © BMEL

With the 2030 Agenda, the international community has set itself ambitious Sustainable Development Goals, such as ending global hunger. Despite this, the number of people affected by hunger is continuing to rise. In addition to the climate crisis, the extinction of species and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has become a new driving force in this crisis of global food security. The world is currently facing the worst food crisis since World War II.

We require short term and long term solutions based on international cooperation. At numerous panels and events, 2000 visitors from politics, business, academia and civil society discussed how to bring about successful transformation.

Find out more at!

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