Accelerating Climate Resilient Agriculture in Telangana (ACRAT)

Data Driven Agro Ecological TestHubs provide farmers with decisionsupport systems to adapt to changing climatic and environmental conditions and reduce the use of external inputs

Agriculture in India

India’s agricultural sector is the backbone of its economy, supporting millions of especially small and marginal farmers. Climate change, environmental challenge and widespread monocropping have reduced biodiversity, making farms more vulnerable to pests, diseases, and climate shifts. Tackling these issues demands an integrated approach. ACRAT adopts a unique approach, combining ecological principles with advanced technologies to enhance resilience and sustainability for India’s farmers.

Portrait of India

The Republic of India is a country in South Asia.

It is the seventh largest country by area, with 3,287,263 km², and since 2023 the most populous country with a population of around 1.4 billion people.

The Project

The ACRAT project adopts a multi-stakeholder approach to build a resilient and sustainable agricultural framework. By leveraging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), it develops data-driven solutions responding to the needs of small-scale farmers in Telangana. Through technology integration on the field, capacity building and ongoing collaboration with stakeholders, it helps
to promote agroecological measures among the target group, taking into consideration international data standards in agriculture and contributing to data sovereignty of individual farmers.

Project Goals

  • Build climate resilience for small-scale farmers
  • Promote sustainable farming practices for improved productivity and soil health
  • Empower farmers with tailored, data-driven solutions using AI and IoT
  • Foster multi-stakeholder collaboration for holistic development
  • Contribute to the validation of international agricultural data standards

Results and Successes

  • Conducted studies and consultations to understand agroecological systems, challenges, and policies in Telangana and India
  • Onboarded 5 digital technologies among 55 farmers to collect data in the field
  • Held 2 tech-awareness workshops and 1 capacity-building program at farmer producer organisation level
  • Established a mentor program with local researchers, providing crop-specific agronomy guidelines for enhanced agroecological practices

Project Partners

  • Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), Berlin, Germany
  • AgHub Foundation, Prof. Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University, India

Research and Ecosystem Partner

  • Government of Telangana
  • Prof. Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University (PJTSAU)

Community Partner

  • Self Employed Welfare Society (SEWS)
  • Start-ups (CarbonMint, Krishitntra, DeltaThings, BharathRohan & Transisty)

Implementing Organisation

  • Fraunhofer HHI - Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany
  • AgHub Foundation, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, India Accelerating

Contact Person:

Dr. Raghu Chaliganti (

Link to Projektwebsite: ACRAT

Download Factsheet

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Agri Innovation Hub of PJTAU
PJTAU, Rajendranagar
State Bank Road
500030 Hyderabad

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